Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Oh Happy Homeschool day!

Today was a good homeschool day! A day where the wonderful exploration of learning took place! our co-op is doing a series called Lessons from History and we decided to start our reading on Julius Ceaser today. You know, the light stuff! :) That reading lead to a search for a map on the Ancient Roman empire and where is was, a discussion of how they conquered the lands they did, reading about weapons, army's, arena's, gladiators............. and a question: did the romans use silverware? I don't know, but Google is a beutiful thing! Googled that to find yes they did, they even began using glasses at this time because Glass blowing techniques were invented. THAT lead to a search of you tube for video on Glass blowing and what it is! WOW! a 2 hour side jaunt............. but by Golly what an educational day!!!! Now THIS is why I homeschool!

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