Being we are coming up on thanksgiving very very quickly, I thought this would be a great time to stretch my gratefulness muscles and list out at least some of the things I am grateful for! OK, I also saw some of my other friends doing it and thought it was a grand idea to put it in ABC form! SO, here goes:
A is for Apples. I love love love a good apple! (honey crisp are my fav's!)
B is for Bible, and I am grateful I can still own it, read it and share it publicly. May I remember to pray for those who do not have the same freedoms I enjoy.
C is for Coffee. My sweet, satisfying, multipurpose elixir of happiness!
D is for dad. No joke. I am so lucky to have him! He is one of the wisest people I know and one of my closest friends. I am lucky I get to see him as often as i do!
E is for Eric Dykstra and his awesome wife Kelly, our pastors at The Crossing Church. It is truly a blessing to have these 2 leading our church, and it's amazing to be a part of changing the world under their leadership!
F is for Food. Most of us have no concept if what it is to be truly hungry. Even in those times things have been tight, I have never been without food for my family.
G is for, of course, God. And by God I mean, God the Father, Son (Jesus) and Holy spirit. . Knee bent at the cross, He is the leader and Lord of my life. One way, no fast passing. Without Him..... I'd not be here writing this right now. And at the vary least my life would be major suckage!
H is for Hollianne. My sweet little girl who has magical hugs and smiles! She is my miracle baby, and my life is so much richer because of her!
I is for insane friends. (you all can now wonder if I mean that you ARE insane, or that you are insanely GOOD to me! Or, maybe your insane for BEING friends with me!)
J is for Jonathan. My lego-loving, star wars junkie, dramatic BOY. He keeps me on my toes every day, and has made my life full, boisterous, and incredibly fun! There is never a dull moment with you dude!
K is for kick butt movies! I really love a good movie! Our family loves to hang and watch a movie together!
L is for Laughter. It is always soothing to the soul and I am so glad the Lord gave it to us! What a great gift!
M is for Mike. Love of my life. My darling husband. The first man who has equaled me in stubborn resolve. Together we have conquered more than I believed I could ever live thru, and managed to take turns pushing each other to keep on and not quit! My husband has loved me thru the darkest moments of my life, and the deepest pits of my life. Without him and Jesus, I wouldn't be the woman I am today!
N is for Nana, which is what my kids call my mom. Since I used M for Mike, I had to find a space for her! My mom is also one of my best friends. And believe me as a kid I did NOT ever think that would happen! hardly a day goes by I don't talk with her, and I am so glad she lives so close. I marvel at how much she can accomplish when she sets her mind to it, (yep, the good side of stubbornness!) and how good she is at just loving on people. My mother also deserves her own food network show, that's how good of a cook she is. No really, I am not kidding. She's amazing, but she's also pretty humble and will probably hate it that I am bragging on her here! I could write a whole blog page about each of my parents and the blessing they are to me (which is probably a good idea, file that thought for later).
O is for odors. The good kind! some of my personal favorites include fresh baked bread, pumpkin pie, apple crisp, cookies, the ocean, and springtime after a rain!
P is for Pizza. Yep, love it in all forms. our personal favorites come from Solo's Pizza cafe!
Q is for Quality time with my family! I am constantly amazed that the things my kids remember most, are usually the simplest, and easiest and most relaxed our family was.
R is for I don't have to get off my fanny to change the channel. this seems like such a small thing....but's cool!!! We've all taken it for granted!
S is for the Sparkly Bible Babes! My small group and my closest friends, Y'all know who you are! I am lucky to get to do life with you ladies!
T is for Twix, my son's awesome rabbit. Seriously wasn't sure about getting a rabbit for a pet, but he's turned out to be the best one we've ever had!
U is for my uvula. I'm not really sure what it's for, but I'm pretty sure it's important I have one!
V is for our veterans, those who have served and given their time and sweat, bled and died for this country, to protect and serve. I could NEVER express how thankful I am for all of them! In fact I love thanking servicemen in person whenever I see them!!!
W is for Wheat, because I am a huge lover of freshly baked bread! There is just nothing like that first fresh slice of bread from the oven with butter.....MMMMM! That is one of those homey smells for me!
X is for X-citing X-periences!
Y is for my yard. I really have been blessed with a nice looking yard, and my kids have some good space to play!
Z is for zealous passion and vigor for life! Both for the portion God has allotted me of this, and also for those who spur me on to be Zealous for the right things!
SO, there you are! The ABC's of what I am thankful for this year! I found this really fun and a challenge to do! It's amazing how when you stretch those gratefulness muscles you find so much more than you can list! In the words of Steven Furtick, a pastor I respect, "Gratitude begins where my sense of entitlement ends". May we all spend this weekend unplugged from our entitlement addictions, and focused on the blessings that surround us!
Happy Thanksgiving!
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