The various musings of a homeschool mom, navigating thru life and relying on Jesus in the middle. Sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, always REAL.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Oh Happy Homeschool day!
Today was a good homeschool day! A day where the wonderful exploration of learning took place! our co-op is doing a series called Lessons from History and we decided to start our reading on Julius Ceaser today. You know, the light stuff! :) That reading lead to a search for a map on the Ancient Roman empire and where is was, a discussion of how they conquered the lands they did, reading about weapons, army's, arena's, gladiators............. and a question: did the romans use silverware? I don't know, but Google is a beutiful thing! Googled that to find yes they did, they even began using glasses at this time because Glass blowing techniques were invented. THAT lead to a search of you tube for video on Glass blowing and what it is! WOW! a 2 hour side jaunt............. but by Golly what an educational day!!!! Now THIS is why I homeschool!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
the Onion Soldiers
Tonight while playing a rousing game of Professor Noggin, Civil War we had a funny happen! Mike and Jonathan and I were playing and it was Jonathan's turn to read the question. He started out reading and got to the words "the Union Soldiers" however it came out "the onion soldiers"! Of course, my mind working the way it does, I immediately began to have all sorts of funny images pop into my head! visions of veggietales newest character, The Onion Soldiers Lobbing giant onions of various brands at thier enemies shouting cries of "VIDALIA!" In order to distract thier enemy, they launch a rocket filled with diced onions, upon impact it explodes and distributes the onion everywhere. while the enemy is distracted by the fumes assailing thier eyes, the Onion soldiers close in for victory!!!!
I know, I am warped, but it was funny!!
Monday, August 25, 2008
my New favorite quote
I have a new quote! I just love it!
Some People say I have a bad attitude.......................those people are stupid!
Some People say I have a bad attitude.......................those people are stupid!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Jesus in Carhartts
Read this article today, a friend emailed it to me and I was very challenged! may it bless you!!
Jesus in Carhartts
How do we respond to obvious, yet unspoken, need?
Eileen Button
Matthew 5:42 says, "Give to those who ask, and don't turn away from those who want to borrow."
That seems easy enough. Most believers are happy to give to those who have the courage to ask. But what should your response be when the need is obvious, yet the request is unspoken? And, how do you follow Jesus' command to meet the needs of others when you can barely meet your own?
I asked myself those questions while buying diapers at a local grocery store. A few weeks prior, my husband and I had moved with our six-month-old son to center city Philadelphia to begin a new church and "save Philly for Jesus!" Brad and I were young, in love with the ministry, and felt ready to serve God in a radical way.
In short, we were passionately clueless.
I was attempting to buy the cheapest package of diapers with Stephen strapped securely in the cart. "What exciting piece of plastic will be on your butt this week, Stephen?" I asked.
Stephen just looked at me with his big blue eyes. One day, he would wonder out loud why his mom is such a wacko.
A woman in my peripheral vision crouched in front of the cans of baby formula. It wasn't easy to determine that she was, in fact, a woman because the oversized beige Carhartts coveralls she wore swallowed her body like a heap of laundry on the floor. She was tiny and wore a red bandana on her balding head. When she looked up at me from her squat position, I caught a glimpse of her desperate eyes that sunk into her dark gray face.
Although I mouthed the word "Hi," she ignored me, turning her attention to the shelf and nervously piling cans at her feet. I quickly realized she intended to steal them.
Shocked by the realization that I was about to witness a crime, I grabbed a package of diapers and wheeled my cart into the next aisle where Ritz crackers and Cheez-Its sat in neat little rows.
"God, what do I do?" I prayed, my mind searching for a Scripture that might give me a quick answer to her desperate situation. It came up blank.
I considered offering to buy the formula for her, but money was tight and our budget would be blown. I reasoned with myself that I was wrong and assured my troubled mind that she had every intention of purchasing the formula. I chided my arrogance and presumption.
I looked down at Stephen, sitting so happily in the grocery cart. Here was a baby who didn't know what it meant to go hungry for more than a minute. My heart cried out for the child whose mother had to steal to feed him.
As I stood in the "10 items or less" aisle, I saw the bandana-wearing woman once again. She was leaving through the automatic doors holding a grocery bag. See, she bought the formula after all. I relaxed … until I realized she was carrying a wrinkled brown paper bag, not the store's colorful plastic bag. Also, she was exiting through the entrance and steered clear of the checkout aisles.
I looked away and nervously scanned the shoppers to see if anyone else was watching. I felt like an accomplice to her crime, but was somehow exhilarated. Sure, I knew that stealing was against God. After all, he included it in the Ten Commandments. But somehow, this kind of stealing felt justified, and I was certainly not going to do anything to jeopardize a baby's chance to get some much-needed food. If I were completely honest, I would steal for my baby in a heartbeat if I felt that level of desperation.
I paid for my groceries, loaded Stephen and my bags into the stroller and headed for the exit. As I left, I almost collided with two official-looking men who were walking into the store. "What a stupid broad," one said.
One of them carried the woman's brown paper bag filled with her baby's food. My face felt hot and tears stung my eyes as I nervously scanned the streets looking for the Carhartts, hoping that I might find the woman whose baby needed to eat. She was gone.
And so was my moment. The opportunity to help someone who desperately needed it was right in front of me. The chance to be Jesus to a woman wrestling with life—and losing—had stared me directly in the face, and I'd looked away.
I'd love to say that I never looked away again. While I have extended my hand to many, there are countless times I have passed a man sleeping under cardboard or a woman slumped in a doorway without offering even a glance. Matthew 25:42 echoes in my mind, "For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me."
We are surrounded by tremendous needs. If we truly desire to live like Jesus we must listen to both the expressed and silent pleas for help. Then, we must do something.
As for me, the image of the woman in Carhartts returning home empty-handed to a crying, hungry baby still haunts my soul.
Jesus in Carhartts
How do we respond to obvious, yet unspoken, need?
Eileen Button
Matthew 5:42 says, "Give to those who ask, and don't turn away from those who want to borrow."
That seems easy enough. Most believers are happy to give to those who have the courage to ask. But what should your response be when the need is obvious, yet the request is unspoken? And, how do you follow Jesus' command to meet the needs of others when you can barely meet your own?
I asked myself those questions while buying diapers at a local grocery store. A few weeks prior, my husband and I had moved with our six-month-old son to center city Philadelphia to begin a new church and "save Philly for Jesus!" Brad and I were young, in love with the ministry, and felt ready to serve God in a radical way.
In short, we were passionately clueless.
I was attempting to buy the cheapest package of diapers with Stephen strapped securely in the cart. "What exciting piece of plastic will be on your butt this week, Stephen?" I asked.
Stephen just looked at me with his big blue eyes. One day, he would wonder out loud why his mom is such a wacko.
A woman in my peripheral vision crouched in front of the cans of baby formula. It wasn't easy to determine that she was, in fact, a woman because the oversized beige Carhartts coveralls she wore swallowed her body like a heap of laundry on the floor. She was tiny and wore a red bandana on her balding head. When she looked up at me from her squat position, I caught a glimpse of her desperate eyes that sunk into her dark gray face.
Although I mouthed the word "Hi," she ignored me, turning her attention to the shelf and nervously piling cans at her feet. I quickly realized she intended to steal them.
Shocked by the realization that I was about to witness a crime, I grabbed a package of diapers and wheeled my cart into the next aisle where Ritz crackers and Cheez-Its sat in neat little rows.
"God, what do I do?" I prayed, my mind searching for a Scripture that might give me a quick answer to her desperate situation. It came up blank.
I considered offering to buy the formula for her, but money was tight and our budget would be blown. I reasoned with myself that I was wrong and assured my troubled mind that she had every intention of purchasing the formula. I chided my arrogance and presumption.
I looked down at Stephen, sitting so happily in the grocery cart. Here was a baby who didn't know what it meant to go hungry for more than a minute. My heart cried out for the child whose mother had to steal to feed him.
As I stood in the "10 items or less" aisle, I saw the bandana-wearing woman once again. She was leaving through the automatic doors holding a grocery bag. See, she bought the formula after all. I relaxed … until I realized she was carrying a wrinkled brown paper bag, not the store's colorful plastic bag. Also, she was exiting through the entrance and steered clear of the checkout aisles.
I looked away and nervously scanned the shoppers to see if anyone else was watching. I felt like an accomplice to her crime, but was somehow exhilarated. Sure, I knew that stealing was against God. After all, he included it in the Ten Commandments. But somehow, this kind of stealing felt justified, and I was certainly not going to do anything to jeopardize a baby's chance to get some much-needed food. If I were completely honest, I would steal for my baby in a heartbeat if I felt that level of desperation.
I paid for my groceries, loaded Stephen and my bags into the stroller and headed for the exit. As I left, I almost collided with two official-looking men who were walking into the store. "What a stupid broad," one said.
One of them carried the woman's brown paper bag filled with her baby's food. My face felt hot and tears stung my eyes as I nervously scanned the streets looking for the Carhartts, hoping that I might find the woman whose baby needed to eat. She was gone.
And so was my moment. The opportunity to help someone who desperately needed it was right in front of me. The chance to be Jesus to a woman wrestling with life—and losing—had stared me directly in the face, and I'd looked away.
I'd love to say that I never looked away again. While I have extended my hand to many, there are countless times I have passed a man sleeping under cardboard or a woman slumped in a doorway without offering even a glance. Matthew 25:42 echoes in my mind, "For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me."
We are surrounded by tremendous needs. If we truly desire to live like Jesus we must listen to both the expressed and silent pleas for help. Then, we must do something.
As for me, the image of the woman in Carhartts returning home empty-handed to a crying, hungry baby still haunts my soul.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
The attack of Larry Boy!
AAACK! I am totally being overrun by CUCUMBERS! I am serious, there are more cucumbers coming out of my garden than I could possibly keep up with! I am really running out of ways to use them too! This morning after checking the garden I had 18 stacked on my counter, some as long as my forarm. 18 cucumbers! What the heck am I gonna do with that many! My kitchen counter looks like a breeding ground for Larry the cucumber's clones. I have become the crazy lady on the block who gives cucumbers to everyone who passes by her house. "hi there person walking by! want some cucumbers? PLEASE?"
Today I made 2 kinds of cold cucumber soup that were very good (even if the Yoakamites did not appreciate my culinary skills) and managed to use 12. then I made a batch of gazpacho that used another 1, still leaving 5. (yes I am a math wiz!) And then my friend stopped by to talk and I was able to dump a bunch on her! Yippee! I am cucumber free.............. until tomorrow when Larry's clones attack me again!
Today I made 2 kinds of cold cucumber soup that were very good (even if the Yoakamites did not appreciate my culinary skills) and managed to use 12. then I made a batch of gazpacho that used another 1, still leaving 5. (yes I am a math wiz!) And then my friend stopped by to talk and I was able to dump a bunch on her! Yippee! I am cucumber free.............. until tomorrow when Larry's clones attack me again!
Monday, August 18, 2008
The Leap from the Lions Head
Do you ever have days when you wonder what in the world God is up to? Days there are sporatic events that appear to get thrown into the mix and leave you going "WHAT?". Yes I am a person who belives God is sovereign and in control and has a plan, but darn it sometimes I just cannot figure out what the heck He is up to!
But one thing I know He's defineately teaching me. Who would I rather tick off and disappoint? God? or _____________ (fill in blank here with current situation, person, etc).
God recently lead me to do something that involved immense trust and obedience on my part. and I don't get it, But I am starting to think that is beside the point.
Remember the scene in the 3rd Indiana Jones movie where he is at the edge of a cliff and the clue he has to follow is "Only in the leap from the lion's head will he prove his worth." That is exactly how I felt this week. Standing at the edge of a cliff, knowing God is leading me to step off the edge, almost being able to see his hand held out saying "will you trust me?" Knowing that stepping off that edge could mean some serious consequences, yes also knowing I can't go back.
You know that is the kicker with this following Jesus thing. I know what happens to my life when I run it. I KNOW what the fruit of Kate is, and it is not pretty. How many crossroads in my life has He lead me to and said to me "will you still follow me or will you leave?" And the thing is, he always gives you this choice, but really it's a non choice if you really, really, really are His. I always think about the diciples when I get choices like that, because he said that to them once and I will never forget Peter's response: "Lord, where would we go? you have the words that contain Life!" Can't say it better than the Bible! Yes, I have done life on my own, and it wasn't pretty. so yes, there is a choice, but really deep down I know there isn't. Cause I am going where He is, even if that leads me to crazy places that no one understands but Him and Me. And maybe not even me! So yes, I leaped from the Lion's head today..................and I have no idea what I am doing...................but I have peace. I guess that's God for you!
But one thing I know He's defineately teaching me. Who would I rather tick off and disappoint? God? or _____________ (fill in blank here with current situation, person, etc).
God recently lead me to do something that involved immense trust and obedience on my part. and I don't get it, But I am starting to think that is beside the point.
Remember the scene in the 3rd Indiana Jones movie where he is at the edge of a cliff and the clue he has to follow is "Only in the leap from the lion's head will he prove his worth." That is exactly how I felt this week. Standing at the edge of a cliff, knowing God is leading me to step off the edge, almost being able to see his hand held out saying "will you trust me?" Knowing that stepping off that edge could mean some serious consequences, yes also knowing I can't go back.
You know that is the kicker with this following Jesus thing. I know what happens to my life when I run it. I KNOW what the fruit of Kate is, and it is not pretty. How many crossroads in my life has He lead me to and said to me "will you still follow me or will you leave?" And the thing is, he always gives you this choice, but really it's a non choice if you really, really, really are His. I always think about the diciples when I get choices like that, because he said that to them once and I will never forget Peter's response: "Lord, where would we go? you have the words that contain Life!" Can't say it better than the Bible! Yes, I have done life on my own, and it wasn't pretty. so yes, there is a choice, but really deep down I know there isn't. Cause I am going where He is, even if that leads me to crazy places that no one understands but Him and Me. And maybe not even me! So yes, I leaped from the Lion's head today..................and I have no idea what I am doing...................but I have peace. I guess that's God for you!
Friday, August 15, 2008
I love the excuses I get when I ask my kids to do things. Some days it feels like they have an excuse for everything! Today I heard the best excuse ever! It was from the mouth of my 3 year old. She was playing hide and go seek with her brother and her babysitter and it was her turn to count. "I can't count" she said "I have an owie on my finger". WHAT? HOW IN THE WORLD DOES YOUR OWIE AFFECT YOUR ABILITY TO COUNT I'D LIKE TO KNOW!
Made me wonder if God ever thinks that about all the excuses I give Him. "I can't do that God, I'm not qualified, I haven't been here long enough, everyone will laugh at me, no one will listen to me, I'm not good enough.............................." Blah blah blah blah blah.
I think God would really appreciate it if we all opperated more like Nike shoes: JUST DO IT. simple slogan, hard to follow sometimes! Especially if it might upset the delicate balance of my comfort. But the Lord God Almighty who made the vast expanse of the universe, really isn't that concerned with my comfort. He's concerned with my Character. And sometimes building my character means I have to walk out into uncomfortable places when He holds out His hand to me and whispers "will you trust me?"
Well, it's not easy, it's not always fun, but I know how life turns out when I do things my way. I already messed up my life pretty bad once. I don't entend to go back there ever again. So help me Lord, to just do it...............without the excuses!
Made me wonder if God ever thinks that about all the excuses I give Him. "I can't do that God, I'm not qualified, I haven't been here long enough, everyone will laugh at me, no one will listen to me, I'm not good enough.............................." Blah blah blah blah blah.
I think God would really appreciate it if we all opperated more like Nike shoes: JUST DO IT. simple slogan, hard to follow sometimes! Especially if it might upset the delicate balance of my comfort. But the Lord God Almighty who made the vast expanse of the universe, really isn't that concerned with my comfort. He's concerned with my Character. And sometimes building my character means I have to walk out into uncomfortable places when He holds out His hand to me and whispers "will you trust me?"
Well, it's not easy, it's not always fun, but I know how life turns out when I do things my way. I already messed up my life pretty bad once. I don't entend to go back there ever again. So help me Lord, to just do it...............without the excuses!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Anything is possible
Yesterday my 3 year old daughter came up to me, curled on my lap, looked up at me with those big cute eyes and said "mommy, can I have an orangutan?"
I did a double take......"what did you say?"
"Can I have an orangutan?"
"No honey you can't."
"yes Hollianne, what is it?"
"What's an oragutan?"
After I stopped laughing, (and I did for awhile) we discussed what an oragutan was, where they live, and why they don't make good housepets! ( It was hard enough changing diapers on human children!) She was not going to be dissuaded. She was convinced that once we move to a bigger house, then we can have an oragutan!
But I love it! I just love that my kids have wild imaginations and come up with the most interesting things. And they absolutely think anything is possible. While the rest of the block is asking thier dad's for puppies kitty cats and goldfish, tonight my 3 year old is presenting to her daddy, all her reasons for orangutan. Way to think out of the box kid! God's gonna do great things with you!
I did a double take......"what did you say?"
"Can I have an orangutan?"
"No honey you can't."
"yes Hollianne, what is it?"
"What's an oragutan?"
After I stopped laughing, (and I did for awhile) we discussed what an oragutan was, where they live, and why they don't make good housepets! ( It was hard enough changing diapers on human children!) She was not going to be dissuaded. She was convinced that once we move to a bigger house, then we can have an oragutan!
But I love it! I just love that my kids have wild imaginations and come up with the most interesting things. And they absolutely think anything is possible. While the rest of the block is asking thier dad's for puppies kitty cats and goldfish, tonight my 3 year old is presenting to her daddy, all her reasons for orangutan. Way to think out of the box kid! God's gonna do great things with you!
Modified what???????????
The other day I was at a 4H picnic and a friend was relating the woes associated with home remodel. I can relate. My life and home are CONSTANTLY in a state of remodel. Remember the old addage: the shoemakers kids are the last to get the shoes? same is true for Home Remodel! Anyway, I digress! As she was telling us about her kitchen, what she meant to say was: my Modified Crippled Kitchen. What came out was "Modified Crippled Chicken"!!!! Ok now you ALL know me! I just couldn't let that one go! Suddenly we were all discribing the newest Olympic move: "he's preparing for his next move, OH and he shocks the Audience...........the Modified Crippled Chicken Ladies and Gentleman, UNBELIEVABLE!
Laughter is good medicine, good for the soul, and WAY fun when you get amunition like that!
Laughter is good medicine, good for the soul, and WAY fun when you get amunition like that!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Religion or Relationship?
Wow, what a day. I was blessed by a friend today who took my kids all day so I could just sit with my foot up, a task that is ............well.............boring. Being that I had all this time, I decided to use it to read a book my father had given me a couple weeks ago: The Shack, by William P Young. When dad gave it to me to read he warned me: give youself 8 straight hours, because you won't want to put it down!! He was right and I am so glad I did! Yes, I know this book is surrounded by scores of controversy right now, and that was one of the biggest reasons I thought I should probably read it!
The book is really excellent, and I would really recommend everyone read it! the main Character, Mack, in the book is going thru what he calls The Great Sadness. I've been in one myself, and the authors discription is one of the best I have found to discribe that feeling. I don't want to give the story away, But I will tell you this, the book will challenge you to look at what in your life is mearly religion, and what is relationship with HIM. The book is fiction, (like Narnia books are) and I have read alot from those who are opposed to this book. Most of the quotes they use to defend thier arguments are taken out of context with the rest of the story. And they dissect it as if it were a theology book, not a work of fiction. Truth is if they used their same arguements against the Chronicles of Narnia, those would be books of heresy and blasphemy also. I found the story to be beutifully written, inspiring and challenging.............and all it's critics to be dead wrong about this book.
It was timely I read The Shack. I've recently seen some pretty aweful things done to a friend of mine in the name of God. It's unbeliveable to me that we belivers are so good at shooting our wounded. This book challenged me to forgive in areas I didn't realize I wasn't forgiving! It challenged me to look at my heart, REALLY look at it, and see it how GOD saw it.
So, my best advice to you............ignore the hype, read the book, and evaluate for yourself. Do not let critics opinions keep you from this one! And as you read it I challenge you with this question: do you have religion, or a Relationship?
The book is really excellent, and I would really recommend everyone read it! the main Character, Mack, in the book is going thru what he calls The Great Sadness. I've been in one myself, and the authors discription is one of the best I have found to discribe that feeling. I don't want to give the story away, But I will tell you this, the book will challenge you to look at what in your life is mearly religion, and what is relationship with HIM. The book is fiction, (like Narnia books are) and I have read alot from those who are opposed to this book. Most of the quotes they use to defend thier arguments are taken out of context with the rest of the story. And they dissect it as if it were a theology book, not a work of fiction. Truth is if they used their same arguements against the Chronicles of Narnia, those would be books of heresy and blasphemy also. I found the story to be beutifully written, inspiring and challenging.............and all it's critics to be dead wrong about this book.
It was timely I read The Shack. I've recently seen some pretty aweful things done to a friend of mine in the name of God. It's unbeliveable to me that we belivers are so good at shooting our wounded. This book challenged me to forgive in areas I didn't realize I wasn't forgiving! It challenged me to look at my heart, REALLY look at it, and see it how GOD saw it.
So, my best advice to you............ignore the hype, read the book, and evaluate for yourself. Do not let critics opinions keep you from this one! And as you read it I challenge you with this question: do you have religion, or a Relationship?
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Just a click.................
I learned a very valuble lesson today. My oldest daughter's facebook account broadcasted that she had joined a new who's name I will not mention because it is so offensive. I was shocked, dismayed..........and freaking out a bit. Worse still was that I knew the announcement that she had joined such a group would have gone out to every friend listed in her account......our church, pastor's wife, children of was a just a bit mortifying. After some discussion with her mother and my hubbie, mom went to confront her. Turns out she got a popup when she was checking her account on the Wii, and hit ignore (she has witnesses that verify this), but somehow it still went on her facebook account as her joining this group. All tecnical sleuthing done by stepdad indicates she is telling the truth. She's just sick about it, and incredibly upset that anyone would think that of her. and all it took was just a click.
Whole situation made me think..................... how many times in my day does this happen to me? how many times do I think I've hit the "ignore" button on Satan and his Popups in my life, only to find that he somehow sneaked in the backdoor? How many times have a totally contrary message to who I am been broadcast to all my friends and people I care about? how many times am I misunderstood by those who's opinion matters the most? Just a click?
Lord, may you always make me aware of the Popups I have missed that need to be erased out of me!
Whole situation made me think..................... how many times in my day does this happen to me? how many times do I think I've hit the "ignore" button on Satan and his Popups in my life, only to find that he somehow sneaked in the backdoor? How many times have a totally contrary message to who I am been broadcast to all my friends and people I care about? how many times am I misunderstood by those who's opinion matters the most? Just a click?
Lord, may you always make me aware of the Popups I have missed that need to be erased out of me!
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